DIO [his mind]: For a moment, it looked like everything had stopped. [DIO weakly gasps as Jotaro levitates at him. DIO: MUDA! JOTARO: Yare yare daze.. [Menacing Walking] ORA-Too slow! I wanted to play dead as long as possible, until I could land a blow to his head, but.. Throwing all those knives.. Now my valuable uniform is full of holes. But! I ASKED IF YOU COULD SEE ME, JOTARO! MUDA! BEHAVE LIKE A FLIGHT ATTENDANT. ], [The World throws the knives at Jotaro, as they freeze centimeters away from stabbing him. [DIO is seen walking towards Polnareff with the sign, ready to decapitate him.]. The World: MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA... Star Platinum: ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA... [The camera shows DIO and The World looking at Jotaro and Star Platinum frozen in place.]. *jotaro mozg- The one thing that I know, Dio, is that he next time I see your face, I'm probably going to bust a vein! DIO: Eight seconds have passed! Jotaro [his mind]: This is fucking tough...if I black out, I will die. DIO: You have lost in the battle of wits against me, DIO! DIO: If i can.. Jotaro [his mind]: Talk about irony...I tried my hardest to move inside his stopped time, but now I have to try my hardest to stay completely still. DIO: Wh-What? Jotaro in the meantime weakly gets up, exhausted from playing dead to the extreme.]. DIO: Ten seconds have passed! ], [Time resumes, and the taxi cab resumes its course. ], [He falls down, apparently incapacitated by Star Platinum's punch.]. JOTARO: I could move for a moment.. Just a moment. Jotaro: I don't know what you're talking about, DIO. [Jotaro is shown inside the sewer pointing at DIO, apparently having stopped time himself to do that.]. *dio zostaje rozrywany przez moc Star Platinum zaraz po pierdolnięciu w noge*, *ciała dio zostaje rozpierdolone na połowe i jakis zjebany niebieski ogien sie z niego unosi (most probably moc), https://pastr.io/view/xwt8Lo link to download <3. [He kicks a sign and picks it up like a hammer. Shoot the man. *jotaro mozg- This is damn tough.. JOSEPH GHOST: No matter.. No matter what Dio is about to do to my body down below, you must never get enraged and. ], [DIO finishes draining the blood of the officer, and drops him.]. DIO: How do you like being blinded by blood?! *jotaro przyśpiesza prace serca przy pomocy star platinum*, *dio bierze zamach by odjebac mu leb ale ten lamie znak*, *jotaro wali mu hita na leb i rozpierdala czache*, JOTARO: I went through hell there.. I have marked in Polish things that are happening at a given moment with * mark, so dont react at this. Police Officer 2: Put your hands up slowly... [DIO doesn't seem to care. DIO [his mind]: But The World was able to step around the pellets that hung suspended in stopped time. DIO: By...chopping his head off with this! So you truly can see my movements, Jotaro. You only added a few more seconds, *jotaro napierdala piensc w brzuch The World's i go rozpierdala*. part three spoilers spoiler. *, *dio's head- You think like a human, who has so little time to live. DIO: Your eyes followed me in the world of stopped time... DIO: So you can see my movements, Jotaro! February 6, 2021 Category : Uncategorized ??? Jotaro: My friends and a lot of innocent bystanders are dead because of you. ], [Only the two stand's rushes could be heard for a few seconds. time, his speed and power far exceed that of your Star Platinum. DIO: I shall finish you here and now with the mighty power of The World! [DIO leaps into the air, ready for the killing blow. Dewa juubun chikazukanai youi MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDAAAAA!!! time for five seconds, and longer and longer intervals each time! You can shoot his leg, his torse.. Whatever you like. It'll end up like it did last time. DIO: My head's been destroyed, so I can't get up?! [DIO is now more enthusiastic than ever to finish Jotaro off.]. But even if you stop time, I'm still going to blow your, JOTARO: Finally.. Meanwhile, Jotaro has picked some buckets shown seconds before. not be wise to underestimate you by getting close. Enya: You must believe with more conviction that you can move within stopped time! Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. DIO: Seven seconds have passed! You've. If we had all. However, just finishing you off by beating you. [Flashbacks of DIO's knife throws at Jotaro are shown.]. MUDA! DIO: Joestar's Egyptian tour group will be no more, once i finish you. DIO: How could this happen? DIO: Which makes me think.. Just how long can you move within my world of stopped time? DIO: Joseph's blood suits me well. Perfect timing. DIO: Hmph. DIO: I've already taken care of Kakyoin, too. ], [Due to the intense pressure of the wind their stands are creating, Jotaro and DIO begin to slowly hover up into the air. Enya was a spectator, while Nukesaku is the one who will fire the boomstick. [The World appears and flies towards Jotaro, opening his mouth.]. (JoJo JVA) ROAD ROLLER DA!! DIO [weakly]: I have a headache...and nausea! This is my escape route! Part three spoilers spoiler. I guess that's your limit now. No matter what Dio does now, you mustn't get angry. The dust eventually reveals DIO draining his corpse's blood.]. DIO: He might be trying to trick me by playing dead. Jotaro [his mind]: Playing dead and waiting for a chance to strike is the best chance I have right now. MUDA! I'm not slowing down.. I-I cannot move. DIO: It's over. DIO [his mind]: That's when it all began... DIO [his mind]: At first, I thought it was an illusion. But.. JOTARO: It was only enough to get one punch in. It'll end up like last time. *, *jotaro drapie ziemie (wiecie o co mi chodzi) *, *dio wyskakuje do tylu i obserwuje jotaro*. [He forcibly makes him aim his pistol to Jotaro's ''body''. Three? 3. dio vs jotaro full fight script english. [He and The World's arms extend, stopping time in a bright flash. DIO: Kakyoin did quite well for you. ], [He stops time in a bright flash before Jotaro could throw the lighter at him.]. [The camera shows him on top of a building.]. ], [The World throws the remaining knife at Jotaro, but Star Platinum appears and attempts to deflect it, only for the knife to land straight in his head.]. DIO: The World and Star Platinum are the same kind of Stand!? to trick me by playing dead. Then come as close as you like. MUDA! Are you prepared for Star Platinum vs. nature sky blue rose flower wallpaper nature summer wallpaper for iphone nature sketch images simple nature spring facebook profile pictures nature spirit pictures nature studio background picture nature sunrise landscape pictures nature stills pictures photos DIO: The World is clearly much more powerful and precise! DIO: The magnet wasn't to trick me into thinking he could move... DIO: But to trick me into thinking he couldn't, and lure me closer! to do is drive Star Platinum's fists into him in those two seconds! DIO: With this, the Joestar bloodline will finally end. Jotaro: Because that hole I put up in your gut is closed now. already recovered your energy. As long, as he doesn't know for sure, my chance to get close to him will come. But in the end, it appears that the Joestars are fated to be my tools. He puts his claws on the remaining police officer's neck.]. Everything has been building to this moment! Jotaro: I covered you with gasoline so I can track your smell. 81. posted by 1 year ago. ], [Manga Chapter 261 ends, and Episode 47, Stardust Crusaders' penultimate episode, ends. See more ideas about jojo jojo bizarre jojo bizzare adventure. Jotaro: "I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer." DIO: I must end him beyond a shadow of a doubt! Two seconds? DIO: When you saw these knives, you realize that you face a more horrific fate than that gold geezer Joseph! DIO: J-Jotaro! [He destroys DIO's skull with one final punch, sending him flying across Cairo, bleeding like a fountain, and with multiple holes on his body.]. JOTARO: I stopped time at the nine second mark. Or perhaps you can move for five seconds just like me, and you're just pretending that you can't? from his grandson, Joseph! *ta zajebista scena z mangi co tak do siebie podchodza*, DIO: Too slow, too slow! DIO: Oh ho! DIO: I, DIO, had truly surpassed all forms of life and all Stands! Even though your grandfather Joseph told you the secret of The World, like a student scrambling to finish the problems on the exam before the bell chimes. DIO: YOU HAVE LOST THE BATTLE OF WITS AGAINST ME, DIO!! Even Though your grandfather, Joseph, told you the secret of The World, *dead Joseph pics*, like an exam student scrambling to finish the problems on an exam until the last moments. * i tutaj skacza do siebie (jotaro i dio w formie potenznego geja wampira), DIO I JOTARO: ORA ORA OROARORAOROAOMODUDMADUADMADUADMAUDADMADUASDMAUDADCHUJ. JoJo Sono Chi no Kioku ~end of THE WORLD~ by TOMMY, Coda, and JIN plays. Or is he moving his hand subconsciously? POLNAREFF: B-Bastard! HURRY UP AND FETCH IT! ??? DIO: Just two more seconds.. Is that all you can do? lying in my way.. Jotaro [his mind]: As long as he doesn't know for sure, my chances to get close to him will come. DIO: Could you see me? [Jotaro has thrown the gasoline on the weakened vampire.]. Star Platinum: OOOOOOOOORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! Jonathan falling through the chimney, Jonathan having his neck pierced by his Space Ripper Stingy Eyes, and Jonathan's corpse hugging DIO's then severed head.]. DIO: I believe you can only move for a moment now...but since you have invaded my world of stopped time, it wouldn't be wise to underestimate you by getting close. to figure out that you could move during stopped time, and so, you were able to invade my world. You have two or three seconds now.. Use that time wisely. You've become able to move a bit within stopped time. ], [Time stops for 9 seconds as DIO walks behind Jotaro and poses.]. ], [Stardust Crusaders by Yugo Kanno plays.]. [DIO's guess puts more pressure on Jotaro.]. ], [The star birthmark from Jonathan's body can be clearly seen.]. (beczka ogolnie), DIO: When we were testing each other's strength earlier? by Yugo Kanno plays.]. DIO's World, Part 2(DIOの世界 その2,DIO no Sekai Sono Ni)1 is the forty-sixth episode of Stardust Crusaders, the twenty-second episode of the Egypt Arc, and the seventy-second episode of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime. DIO: Being able to see this must be all the more terrifying, Jotaro! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. archived. ], [Jotaro turns around, de-summoning his stand.]. Impossible! ], [The World throws 6 more knives at Jotaro.]. you could have torn my brain apart with your rapier. Dio: Hee Hee Hee! Polnareff: GO TO HELL, DIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! [The officer fires at Jotaro, seemingly hitting his side. DIO [his mind]: As I went to catch the pellets... [Nukesaku fires and The World appears, stopping all of the pellets in place.]. MUDA! [DIO is shown with his hand still stabbing the now-deceased woman's neck.]. [Star Platinum does a punching pose, and Jotaro silently watches the vampire fly away. *policjant wystrzeliwuje w jotaro ale star platinum lapie pocisk palcami pod kurtka*. ], [The camera shows Jotaro up close, and then DIO hovering towards him. ], [A car is briefly seen passing by the street nearby. * dio teleportuje sie za policjantow i uderza jednego w twarz*, DIO: All right. DIO: Within my nine seconds of stopped time, I shall end this! DIO [his mind in the past]: It's not an illusion... Enya: Dio! ], [The World punches Star Platinum's face, making it disappear. Jotaro [his mind]: I could move longer with some practice, but right now a moment is the best I can do. DIO: Only I, DIO, should have power over stopped time. DIO: I'd better play it safe....the Joestar bloodline has proved itself rather lucky. Scroll Down to discover. For the import players, here is a list of the name changes (japanese --> english). *jotaro stojacy za dio z palcem w jego strone bo to zajebiscie wyglada*. I don't feel bad about this at all. DIO: Shoot the man lying down on the ground over there. ], [He somersaults towards Jotaro's ''corpse''. Is that what you call just patting me, and not even enough to hurt? DIO: I see...They split up so they could attack from both sides. Let's see who's the fastest, *dio's head- H-he's.. mocking me! DIO: I ASKED IF YOU COULD SEE ME, JOTARO! DIO: Very well! I-it can't be. [At his mansion, Nukesaku and Enya Geil agreed to test his then-new ability. DIO's World(DIOの世界,DIO no Sekai) is the twenty-seventh and final story arc in Stardust Crusaders. Then come as close as you like. by Yugo Kanno plays.]. I shall see just how powerful you truly are! Not much range, but immense power. We're the police! I have to make sure he doesn't realize I'm alive. JOTARO: How many seconds will it take for your legs to recover? MUDA! Help with japanese-english translation for Dio vs. Jotaro speech. Polnareff'q going to get killed. Jotaro [his mind]: Bastard...how the hell does he come up with stuff like this!? lying on the ground over there. DIO: This is the end....JOTARO!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIO: There's something I'd like for you to shoot with that gun. It doesn't matter! Right now, he's suspicious as all hell. He is definitely dead. DIO [his mind]: Of all things, this descendant of the Joestars has invaded my world of stopped time... [Time resumes, and Star Platinum launches DIO into a jewelry shop, shattering the window. ], [Time unfreezes, and Polnareff is sent flying. :), actions, most times they think it says "jotaro/dio mozg" he said, and i quote, "I have marked in Polish things that are happening at a given moment with * mark, so dont react at this", New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the StardustCrusaders community, This is the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure subreddit, and while the subreddit is named for Part Three: Stardust Crusaders, it covers all of the manga and various animated series - Our banner was made by u/MayorDoi and our subreddit icon was made by u/Ammu_22, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. DIO [his mind]: Trained boxers and those who are in accidents feel each other as if it were several seconds or minutes... DIO [his mind]: I thought it was something like that. [DIO pulls down his shirt and looks at his Joestar birthmark.]. I guess I should find Jotaro's lifeless body and drink his blood. Jotaro! ], [Star Platinum lands a fierce punch into DIO's left hemisphere.]. Jotaro [his mind]: I stuffed my clothes with magazines just in case he tried throwing anything...but I didn't think he'd throw that many knives at me. MUDA! Jotaro: I guess I have to bash your head to pieces, or it'll be like nothing happened. [DIO gets up, to the horror of the Jewelry Shop attendee.]. [He checks the magazines he hid under his chest and hat.]. Rather no chance, I don't speak Japanese at all. Jotaro: Because that hole I put up in your gut is closed now. Dio vs jotaro full fight script english. This is the greatest high! Jotaro [his mind]: If i die because i used my Stand to stop my own heart... [Jotaro's eyes go completely cataract. DIO: The way to end you is with The World's true power! About things leaving a bad taste in, mouth, or living your life with no regrets.. That kind of reasoning is about as comperlling, as rat shit in a bathroom, and it will be your demise! Even without his power to stop. [Gears are seen connecting to each other, and then The World appears, with his arms inside the gear holes.]. ], [DIO is shown placing his ear on the asphalt.]. JOTARO: This place is taken. I swear that you will!!! But.. *ta smieszna pozycja co stoi w nozach i sie smieje |HAHAHhahahahahHAHhHhah|*. ], [The second series intro is cued. DIO: So Jotaro and Polnareff must intend to attack me from behind... DIO: Hm...How useless. DIO: *in głowa: The World and Star Platinum are the same type of Stand?!*. DIO is shown listening again for a bit more.]. DIO: "Oh? I could move longer with some practice, but right now, a moment, DIO: I believe that you can only move for a moment now. M-my legs.. DIO: I can't move my legs. I suppose I shall rise to your shilly provocation, and test you just a bit more. DIO: With just a moment more, and with just a tiny bit more force, you could have torn my brain apart with your rapier! ], [DIO notices too late, as the rapier pierces his brain's left hemisphere.]. JOTARO: *Bastard! You will surely be able to control time! I must end him beyond a shadow of a doubt! ], [DIO leaps towards Jotaro and summons his stand to grab the knives on his hands. [DIO laughs it off...then laughs progressively harder. fought Dio at once, we would have all perished instantly. I can't stand!~, *jotaro rozjebuje bak samochodu i nalewa paliwo do wiader*. [The World and Star Platinum continue exchanging punches at each other.]. It covers the lastpage of Chapter 252 through the first half of Chapter 256 of the manga. Destructive Power: A / Speed: A / Range: C / Persistence: A / Precision: B / Development Potential: B, [The camera shows Polnareff using Silver Chario's rapier to pierce through DIO's head. ], [He mortally swats one of them off, launching him away. [Even though it succeeds, 7 knives reach Jotaro and stab him in the chest, arms, and left knee. [Jotaro lands in front of the shop and spots DIO draining the blood of the poor woman to the sound of her heartbeat.]. JOTARO: I guess I have to bash your head to pieces, or it'll be like nothing ever happened. It looks like a magnet taken from a, DIO: You completely fooled me. DIO: Now to unleash all of my Stand's power! MUDA! DIO [his mind]: It was six months ago when I first stopped time. I don't know what you're talking about, Dio. And so on. by JoJo's Bizarre Adventure / Voice Acting VA / Jotaro vs DIO / Fight - Karaoke Lyrics on Smule. DIO: Now, then.. MUDA! MUDA! I'm satisfied. ], [But then The World appears behind the screen Star Platinum was punching. DIO: His heart isn't beating. i have marked in polish things that are happening at a given moment with * mark, so dont react at this. In the manga, only the hands of an unknown person are seen holding it. who can hold his breath underwater for a minute finally comes up for air at the very last second.. JOTARO: When suddenly, he feels someone grab him, and he's dragged back down into the water. I tried my hardest to move inside his stopped time, but now I, have to try my hardest to stay completely still. Jotaro is appropriately shocked by the vampire's laughter. ], [He pieces something together by looking at Jotaro. JOTARO: It's been eleven seconds. Enya: It must be like breathing! They're.. the same? The World: MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA!!!! Jotaro: I can't beat the shot out of you without getting closer. [The World bumps a building to redirect his master's flight direction.]. Jotaro can only watch his next move. ], [DIO rolls down in the pavement towards a sewer door, to which he grabs it quickly.]. *Getting closer to each other*. Me, Dio, feeeling sick? MUDA! DIO: I thought he was still alive, but it was just my imagination. DIO [weakly]: W-What is this...!? It narrates the climactic battle in the streets of Cairo between the Joestar Group and DIO, whose Stand The World can stop time. MUDA! Most of the knives are seen coming off from Jotaro's body due to the sheer force of Star Platinum's punch. You said something about being pissed off.. ], [His eyes begin to wither and go cataract. Polnareff: b-bastard...this is impossible... [He passes out. *jotaro mozg- O-Old man.. You were right. This happened because it had to happen. DIO withdraws his head from the rapier and looks behind him. JOTARO: My friends and a lot of innocent bystanders are dead because of you. He is definitely dead. [The World quickly stops time in a bright flash. If there's any blood. JOTARO: Test? Jotaro: Gramps and DIO are on the rooftops. So much happened. *dio ląduje na moście przed jotaro i się uśmiecha*, |lektor mozna powiedziec| * for some reason, dio disappeared while time was stopped.*. Three seconds? DIO: The sound of his breathing.. They get attracted to each other regardless of the time not flowing.]. Go figure. Right at the end of my nine seconds of movement.. JOTARO: Having someone approach from behind while you can't move a muscle, if i had to describe it, is like when a guy. There's something I'd like you to shoot with that gun. Enya: It's only natural for you to control time! *dio wylatuje w powietrze i leci na koniec ulicy*. DIO: Two seconds? [The camera cuts to DIO leaping around, rooftop by rooftop before stopping.] Star Platinum: ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA!!!! [He removes his clawed fingernails off Joseph's neck, revealing his new musculature and lack of coat. I can't take my eyes off you for a second. JOTARO: So it's the same type of Stand as Star Platinum. ". These fifty, *gif jak trzyma sie za czapke i rozplywa w powietrzu*. Too slow! DIO: And now, without pause, my final attack! DIO: As I see it, those machines known as vehicles are useful devices, but because everyone has one, the streets become too crowded. DIO: Too bad, Polnareff. I need to figure out how to knock off his head.. *Dio skacze przed niego - staje obok znaku drogowego*, DIO: I'd better play it safe. Oh ho, then come as close as you'd like. Jotaro: You've already recovered your energy. Impossible! But now Dio's attention is on me, not Polnareff. HahhahAhhaha! jotaro vs dio dialogue script english. This is when. ], [He punches him in the side and ducks down. A heart is seen in his skull's forehead. Police Officer 1: Don't move! MUDA! DIO: Jotaro, you.. You're alive.. or you're coming around. DIO: But it appears that stopping time for nine seconds is my current limit. Maybe someday I will have a lot of free time and I will be able to write something like that. Police Officer 2: We have guns pointed at you! ], [Star Platinum instantaneously appears and deflects the knives.]. ], [Despite him having gigantic holes on his body, his skull completely crushed and bleeding like a fountain, he performs his century-old Rocket Strategy and yells like crazy, taunting Jotaro.]. JOTARO: But for you, i feel no pity at all. DIO: GWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!! DIO: This is truly the end for you, JOTARO! As Jotaro continues to put up with Steely Dan's whims, Kakyoin and Polnareff's Stands arrive in Joseph's brain where the Lovers and the flesh bud is. And the one who allowed me to make it this far was you, Jotaro. ], [He looks up to see Star Platinum in front of him, furiously staring at the vampire as it clenches its right fist hard. Dio vs Jotaro full fight script english. You can't escape. [But then Jotaro moved and summoned his stand to pierce The World's chest ], [Star Platinum and Jotaro then freeze in place.]. JOTARO: Nah. When you saw these knives, you realized that you facce a more horrific fate than that geezer Joseph. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. BRINGING A DRINK AND CAVIAR TO A FIRST-CLASS PASSENGER! ], [A short flashback that connects to DIO's fear begins.]. Dio: Too slow, too slow! [He is slightly irritated by this realization and he gets closer.]. But i didn't think he'd throw that many knives at me. DIO: You can shoot his leg, his torso...whatever you like. di Oktober 28, 2019. DIO [his mind]: In order to test out my stand's power and speed, I had one of my servants fire a shotgun at me. automobiles are useful devices, but because everyone has one, the streets become too crowded. ], [The World's fists eventually subdue Star Platinum's. Getting mad has gotten me into trouble. You stopped time? I don't hear it. The last and final time I will stop time! ], [He takes it off and places it in one of Jotaro's shirt pins. DIO: THEREFORE, JOTARO, I'VE DECIDED HOW TO KILL YOU SUCH THAT IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW LONG YOU CAN MOVE! To be victorious and rule! The camera shows the chase slowing down to a halt. *nagle za plecami skacze Lil Pol Pol i przebija Dio głowe*, *Polnareff uderza o sciane na pelnej pizdzie*. DIO: You've gone pale. Even without his poweer to stop time, his speed and power far exceed that of your Star Platinum. ??? How the hell does he come up with stuff like this? DIO: And now, I can stop time for five seconds, and longer and longer intervals each time! Instead of running away, you're coming right to me? Dio Vs. Jotaro Dialogue line Romaji ... Jotaro: Chikadzukanakya teme o buchi nomesenainde na Dio: Hoho!