My knowledge about rail guns is very limited and I’m sure there are people on Quora who can add vastly to this answer. Maybe pulse shaping would allow you to force a spinning motion? I'm thinking a bi-metal projectile, one side non-ferrous, and place an extra coil at 90 degrees to spin it. Full Abbreviated Hidden /Sea. Votre adresse email ne sera pas publiée. Deus Machina Member. les champs requis sont indiqués * … Full Auto Gauss Gun. 3. Scary to think what this technology might lead to once it is improved. It is a full auto 19 stage no-capacitor coilgun. It features 8 IGBT stages, each with an independent … … I'm guessing a foster slug type of concept would be the best bet. Si vous continuez à utiliser ce site, nous partons du principe que vous acceptez notre Politique de confidentialité, y compris la politique de cookies. The Mao-Murdoch EMW-56 Gauss Carbine (electromagnetic weapon) is a fully automatic portable delivery system for Mao Industries' patented 5.4x56mm PP-X … Fun and Games; by Nick Leghorn | Aug 22, 2013 | 43 comments. Tag: Full-Auto Gauss Gun. Tweet: 25 replies, 3548 views. Re-arranging to solve for E, we arrive at the final rough formula for muzzle energy of a battery-driven coilgun: The most frequent comment I get on my coilguns is that I should use a lighter projectile to improve performance. Our goal is not to control the prices, but to prevent people from scripping godrolls they could get paid nicely for. 0-1. A solution was asked for, I presented the solution that works for contemporary weapons, then presented the possibility that my idea might not apply here. My likes Bookmarks Communities Animals & Pets. Frank; December 15, 2020; The Arcflash Labs EMG-01A (Electro-Magnetic Gun – 01 Alpha) is an 8 stage, IGBT switched, low voltage capacitor augmented fully automatic coilgun. News & Politics. Close. Close. Rifling is a series of grooved spirals inside the barrel that catch the round and spin it as it travels through and out the barrel. In the Battletech universe, Gauss Rifles are some of the most powerful solid-based weapons. I know a ball is hardly an idea projectile, but it's better than a … utgångsenergi: 10.87J (42.0 3m/s) Eldhastighet: 7.7 Rounds/Sec Mer information: http: // 6. Music. Science & Technology. At 3% the muzzle energy of a.22, it's still in the prototype stage. Panzercat, Aug 10, 2013 #14. Needs to figure out a way to give the bullets spin. They're heavy and don't last long. Laisser un commentaire Annuler la réponse. 3. Je suis descendu les escaliers en traîneau avec le feu, et un incendie a été causé. G&G Combat Machine CM16 Raider-L Airsoft Gun. 1. Obviously it needs some refinements, like rifling or some other way to spin the projectiles for … An autocannon, automatic cannon or machine cannon is a fully automatic gun that is capable of rapid-firing large-caliber (20 mm/0.79 in or more) armour-piercing explosive or incendiary shells, as opposed to the smaller-caliber kinetic projectiles fired by a machine gun.Autocannons have a longer effective range and greater terminal performance than machine guns, due to the use of … Building a Full-Auto Gauss Gun. World S First Commercial 3D Printed Coilgun EMG 01A. … fuckin reddit, man. This equations shows why that suggestion is wrong. Home Hot Random Stories Weekly Coub picks Best Of The Year Who to follow Featured channels Show more... Show less. More Login . LEGO GBC 20 modules 【レゴ】 玉ころがしをつくってみた experiments gaussian gun gauss gun magnetism kinetic energy physics science. 2. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Lämna ett svar Avbryt svar. Back to top Alert abuse. Administrator; Posts: 9599; AZGO Founder; Full-auto Gauss Gun « on: August 12, 2013, 03:29:16 pm » Kind of a crappy video, but still a pretty neat science project. Anime. Remember 2009’s “Slap Chop Rap†? Remember those Newton's Cradle executive desk toys? Nickname: Password: Public Terminal. At my online airguns store I … At those speeds you can seriously tear apart cans and targets. تشغيل download تحميل . تشغيل download تحميل . Regardez Nuns with Guns - MiKRoPiKoL sur Dailymotion. How Does A Gauss Rifle Work. Rifling won't really work, I think a better solution would be finned projectiles, which are already proven to work well when fired from a smooth bore and wouldn't require overly complicated manufacturing like rifling would. For this particular gun, I think ball bearings would work better overall. The CM16 Raider … Gaming. تشغيل download تحميل . Fast fully automatic air guns are tons of fun to shoot and fire bb or pellets at unbelievable speeds. It should be capable of firing at a rate of several thousand rpm but I might tune it down to ~500 rpm to keep it cooler running and make … The accelerator is 3ft long! Fråga: * Ditt namn: Din email: detaljer: Skicka in rapport. Home; Posts Tagged Full-Auto Gauss Gun Future Gadgets; 0; 34 sec read; World’s First Commercial 3D Printed Coilgun. Full-Auto Gauss Gun (0) | 1,603 vues | 30/06/2017 | Traduire: rapport. The weapon marks its first appearance in the game's second mission, "Assault on Aspari". G&G Armament. Nous utilisons des cookies afin d'assurer que nous vous donnons la meilleure expérience sur notre site Web. Our first thought was a flamethrower, but with the drought in our area that doesn’t seem smart. Even if you overcome the accuracy and range problems, the batteries are a huge limitation. You can see one of them strike the laptop completely sideways. It is fed round… 21. Did my comment not contribute to the discussion? Full-Auto Gauss Gun. Assume vi=0 since the projectile is motionless at the beginning of the shot, and use equation 1 to eliminate vf. Din e-postadress kommer inte att publiceras. Yes. Full-Auto Gauss Gun (0) | 1,603 visningar | 30/06/2017 | Översätta: Rapportera. Cartoons. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Coil Gun Projectiles: I've built a fair few projectiles for my 6mm and 50 cal Coilgun over the years and I thought I'd save you some time and break it down for you showing you what works and … I'd be willing to bet full auto decreases velocity/penetration along those lines. Thread info Bookmark this thread Trash this thread. les champs requis sont indiqués *, © VidéoMan 2021 | Contact/Contact: | Politique de confidentialité | Conditions d'utilisation. Mashup Artists Turn Skiers Reactions Into Slope Songs. Video: Full Auto Gauss Gun. Nice proof of concept, however. تشغيل download تحميل . Always highlight: 10 newest replies | Replies … I'm really not sure how that would affect the method of operation for a gauss gun, however. Perhaps spiral flutes along the length of the bullet, shouldn't create much drag and would probably cause spin if moved fast enough. Will they withstand multiple shots fired in quick succession. The “CG-42” Gauss Machine Gun is a first-of-its kind full-auto, 8-stage coilgun powered by Lithium Polymer batteries. Full-Auto Gauss Gun . The rifle operates on a charging principle: the user holds down the trigger to build up the charge, and releasing the trigger fires a round with full base damage. Full-auto Gauss Gun - Coub - The Biggest Video Meme Platform by Dęū$Θέση . The Gauss rifle can be modded with more capacitors, a shielded barrel and a compensator or suppressor. That's a pretty simple solution. It will use an advanced coil timing system that should allow more efficient acceleration. Not only that but the bbs and pellets used in full-auto pellet guns are a lot less expensive than traditional ammo. تشغيل download تحميل . Mashup. Sports. Why not simply spin the bullet with a few extra magnets before it enters the first coil? The custom 3d printed magazines will hold about 90 shots, maybe a little more. edit: the narrator is completely off by several factors with the amperage, I'm guessing maybe a third of an amp. Art & Design. Joined: May 24, 2007 Messages: 2,997 Location: Brandon, Florida. The Gauss rifle is a weapon in Fallout: New Vegas. Direct link to this video: Show it on your blog, online profile or website: Sponsors. Probably not. Your Price $169.00. Forgot your password? The best place for video content of all kinds. Full-auto Gauss Gun « previous next » Print; Pages: [1] Author Topic: Full-auto Gauss Gun (Read 1870 times) Thernlund. Building a Full-Auto Gauss Gun More Login. To share the control over the displayed prices with the community, we've added Price Feedback Tool, that allows everyone to share their perspective of pricing for given item. Packing the power native to Heavy Autocannons, which generally suck at range, and the range and negligible heat generation usually restricted to light autocannons, which are long-ranged and produce little heat but lack the sufficient punch to threaten heavily armored 'mechs. At this point I feel like rifling the barrel would slow the projectile too much, and that altering each projectile so that it produces it's own stabilization would become rather costly and extremely time consuming. Also, the rounds are probably too large for the output of that gun. facebook; twitter; linkedin ; email; I was talking with some co-workers this past week about things we can build that are awesome and deadly and don’t fall under ATF regulation. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Score: 5. Movies & TV. Real Guns Of Fallout Gauss Rifle . In almost all coilgun configurations, the coils and the gun barrel are arranged on a common axis. Follow us on Facebook for by Electric powered weapons are also less durable and have many more points of failure in the muddy, wet, sandy field. Then I brought … It’s counter-intuitive, but for a fixed power and distance (e.g. I don't really know how it works, Magnetize the bullets and arrange electromagnets on the side to induce spinning, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 4. Or the bullet could have a gear mesh at the rear and be spun by the firing pin? 579k members in the Cyberpunk community. Please read the sidebar below for our rules. Rifling is a series of grooved spirals inside the barrel that catch the round and spin it as it travels through and out the barrel. Archived Discussion Load All Comments. behövliga fält är markerade * Kommentar. Th… EDIT- uh, why the downvotes kids? 299 votes, 43 comments. G&G Combat Machine CM16 Raider-L Airsoft Gun The G&G Combat Machine CM16 Raider line is G&G’s best selling line of beginner AEG on the market, and it has been that way for good reasons. An uncharged round only has 50% of base damage. They're capable of smashing a MadCat's cockpit off from long range with a single, well-placed shot. what about using the idea behind electric motors to induce a spin? Search 285 Comments Log In/Create an Account. make the projectile slightly magnetic, something with north and south magnetic poles. Une machine à zamboni prend feu sur une patinoire, Through Fire and Flames à 165% sur Guitar Hero, Opossum sauvé de Bush feu étreintes cherche, Incendiaire met une voiture en feu restaurant extérieur, camion de carburant chargé provoque l'enfer, L'homme commence feu tout en essayant de cuire Tater Tots. MK2 Coil Gun 10 Stage 720 Rounds Per Minute Fully Automatic. Combien de balles faut-il tirer pour qu'un AK commence à brûler? Question: * votre nom: votre e-mail: Détails: Soumettre le rapport. What I don't understand is why he isn't simply using ball bearings with the projectile speeds that thing is producing. EDIT- uh, why the downvotes kids? A genre of science fiction and a lawless subculture in an oppressive society … Your Price $165.00. That's a pretty simple solution. What if he added another series of smaller electromagnets arranged helixly down the barrel that get triggered in a similar series fashion to give the projectile spin? The EMW-56 (or Gauss Gun) is a fully automatic, lock-on gauss rifle developed by Mao-Murdoch Ltd. featured in Syndicate. museau Energy: 10.87J (42.0 3m/s) Cadence de tir: 7.7 Rounds/Sec Plus d'informations: http: // If you do then you’ll also be glad that the mashup artist DJ Steve Porter has created a very addictive hook out of the jubilant sounds of these winter sports fans … museau Energy: 10.87J (42.03m/s) Cadence de tir: 7.7 Rounds/Sec Plus d'informations:, Votre adresse email ne sera pas publiée. Comments Filter: All; Insightful; Informative ; Interesting; … 1 Background 2 Characteristics 2.1 Durability 3 Variants 3.1 Comparison 4 Locations 5 Notes 6 Bugs 7 Sounds 8 Gallery 9 References The Gauss rifle is a coilgun, a type of projectile accelerator, which uses electromagnetic coils configured as a linear motor to accelerate ferromagnetic or conductive projectiles to extreme velocities. I guess he probably just wants to produce one gun that he can improve by making small alterations rather than starting from the ground up, but even so he's going to have to make something more powerful if he intends to over come tumbling projectiles. The average full-auto airgun shoots bbs or pellets at a rate of 10 per second! Okian Warrior writes "Adding to the 3-D printed gun/rifle controversy, Delta-V Engineering built a Full-auto Gauss gun (aka 'machine gun'), capable of firing 15 steel bolts from its magazine in less than two seconds. Namn * E-post * … Reply to this thread . Or, if that is stupidly over complicated, just use a spinning wheel against the side of the bullet. I'm really not sure how that would affect the method of operation for a gauss gun, however. Capacitors and exposed copper wiring run alongside the barrel, and a nixie tube display above the stock gives the weapon's charge percentage. A coilgun, also known as a Gauss rifle, is a type of mass driver consisting of one or more coils used as electromagnets in the configuration of a linear motor that accelerate a ferromagnetic or conducting projectile to high velocity. Press J to jump to the feed.