This grid should use a minimum of four, and up to six, Omega/Magna Weapons. The list of sparkable characters and summons change each time the Premium Draw is updated; for the current pool. in Japanese) Strip #183. above the damage dealt. Assassin - Refers to characters with a conditional damage boost, usually DefianceATK is boosted for foes in Overdrive ("Overdrive Assassin") or Salted WoundATK is boosted when foe is in break mode ("Break Assassin"). Hard Cap - A maximum attainable value. Potato - A slang term used to refer to characters of the Harvin race. LB - Limit Break, a colloquial term for "Uncap", the act of raising the level cap for a character, weapon, or summon. Discoverer - The player who spends AP to start a raid. instead of "Weakpoint!" Affects All Allies - Effects that affect all allies only affect the player's characters that are in combat. Grande - Shorthand for "The Order Grande," the Japanese name for Grand Order. Winter’s Frostnettle (obtainable from Rise of the Beasts) is an offensive MH that gives your party a Crit buff for 2.5 turns (100% chance to Crit for 20% extra damage). The Staff of Renunciation has both ATK and HP modifiers and can provide a Cap Up option at 4* and another modifier at 5* (Stamina is most commonly chosen). Its weapon skills only apply to Staff and Harp characters, so you will probably want to build a team around these proficiencies if you want to fully utilize this as a MH. Torching - Refers to farming the Co-op Hard Stage 2-2 (Unsmothered Flame). Maybe add a template for a magna staff grid? Whale/Whaling - Spending lots of money to get the characters/weapons/summons you want, often associated with Sparking. Dispel - Refers to any skill that removes one or more buffs from an enemy. Sometimes called true damage, white damage, non-elemental damage, or non-attribute damage by the international GBF community. A Cosmic Rod (Staff) can be used, but should only be considered for an M2 Staff grid. If you need something else to fill the grid, using a fifth or sixth Omega/Magna Weapon is a good option, especially if you don’t have strong EX/Unknown Weapons yet.– Winter’s Frostnettle is the same as an Ancient Ecke Sachs, except that it is water, can be uncapped to 150/Slvl15, and you can only obtain one copy. Null - Unofficial term for non-elemental (). Charge Gauge/Bar - Can refer to a character's charge bar or an enemy's. Its static MH effect will activate a nuke (600k base damage cap) that applies a stacking 15% ATK/DEF down debuff to all foes (max 30%) whenever an enemy uses a special attack. Generally, 5★ uncaps for characters and 4★ uncaps for weapons and summons. "Strike Time" in English. Domain Blue Spheres synergize extremely well with Ougis/Charge Attacks and the Kengo class. Also referred to as 'raidwide'. Gizoku - The Japanese name for Bandit Tycoon, the Row IV version of Hawkeye. See Enmity. DI - Short for "Dual Impulse," a Valkyrie skill that improves multi-attack rate when equipped with a spear. Legend Gacha - The Japanese term for what is "Premium Draw" in English. Snek - A slang term referring to Leviathan. Crit - Abbreviation for Critical Hit. Named after the JP term for the ability, 背水の陣, where one is fighting with their back towards the water, equivalent to "backed into a corner" in English. "Bounty Hunter" in English. Mostly used (by annoyed players) in reference to Omega Raids, as their SSR summons heavily drop in value after obtaining four copies to fully uncap one compared to even undesirable SSR weapons that can be used as skill fodder. A Bahamut Weapon is included as a default choice for the Normal Modifier Weapon but does not necessarily have to be included.Omega/Magna Weapons: 4-6 (Weapon Skills boosted by Leviathan Omega)EX/Unknown Weapons: 1-2Normal Weapons: 1-3Seraphic Weapon: 1 or 0. décès, hospitalisations, réanimations, guérisons par département Red Chests - Extra boxes that drop from raid battles. Other abilities with attack and defense debuffs are sometimes referred to as mini-mists. LB3 = 3 times limit broken). Named after how the elemental weakness chart displays these four elements in a circle. This weapon is shown in the base grid but does not necessarily have to be included.– Bow of Sigurd has two Normal ATK skills (but one expires after 8 turns) and in total provides more Normal multiplier (38%) than a Bahamut Weapon (30-32%) without any racial restrictions. More commonly called "Veil" after the Bishop Extended Mastery Skill. SSR Carbuncles - Refers to the following 6 summons, due to their call effect having similar effect with Carbuncles: Prometheus, Ca Ong, Morrigna (Summon), Gilgamesh, Hector, Anubis. ST - Acronym for Strike Time, a crew effect active two hours a day where all crew members to begin most raids with 100% charge bar for all characters, as well as a bonus to exp and rupies. the carbuncle obtained from Pinboard Missions is referred to as a windbuncle). SSR - Super Super Rare, the highest rarity in the game. Gao - Refers to the Berserker class. This should only be used if you are running a staff team and are fielding 7 or 8 staves. Plain damage - Non-elemental damage that ignores defense. Nuke - Unofficial term for any skill with a high damage cap. Echo - Nickname for Bonus DMGDeals bonus DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks on attacks. Rainbow - Colloquial term for the "rainbow meta" in which players must now build teams and weapon grids for each element. Three or more Tyros Zither should be used for most setups; 1T setups that want to only press Bonito and then attack (for quick farming of event raids) can use up to five.A Bahamut Weapon is included as a default choice for the Normal Modifier Weapon but does not necessarily have to be included.Omega/Magna Weapons: 4-6 (Weapon Skills boosted by Leviathan Omega)EX/Unknown Weapons: 1-2Normal Weapons: 1-3Seraphic Weapon: 1 or 0Cosmic Weapon: ? With 300 Cerulean Sparks you can "spark" a character (or summon). The MVP and the 2nd place player (Vice MVP, vice) both get extra rewards. MVP - The player that earns the most honor in a raid battle. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Class Champion Weapons (CCW) can range in strength from niche uses to absolute powerhouse. Including one or more of Ultima Staff (flex or replace Baha), Staff of Renunciation (flex slot), Hollowsky Staff (flex or replace Xeno), and Cosmic Rod (flex slot) will add power and round out the grid. Taisai Spirit Bow provides Massive Normal ATK and Big Crit (10% @ Slvl 15), which gives 38% Crit with double Varuna. Each copy provides 9.5% CA DMG Up and 5% CA Cap Up and can be boosted by Varuna; this equates to 22.8% DMG/12% Cap with single Varuna and 36.1% DMG/19% Cap with double Varuna. BP - Acronym for Battle Points, the resource used to join raids. "Anytime Assassin" refers to characters and effects with similar functions that do not rely on Overdrive or Break, eg. Can refer to the summon Bahamut, the raid Proto Bahamut or the race-boosting Bahamut Weapons. Omega SR and HP SSR weapons are commonly used as skill-up fodder. Blue Sphere provides Massive Normal ATK (22% @ Slvl 15) and Medium Normal Sentence (CA DMG/Cap Up). Damage pop-up appears in a plain white color. Remember, you can only have six different Ultima at one time, choose wisely! IDK how good Canes HP is but all i know is its listed HP stats is … See Veil. BA - Acronym for Break Assassin, aka Salted WoundATK is boosted when foe is in break mode. Train - Refers to a group of players each hosting the same raid in sequence. Can also apply to easier HL raids such as Rose Queen or Apollo for the purpose of farming Pendants or other materials. Chev - Abbreviation for Chevalier, the main Light primal beast. This grid should use at least one Normal Modifier Weapon, but no more than three (excluding the Seraphic Weapon).– Consider an Atma/Ultima Weapon if your team consists of characters that share weapon proficiencies in order to benefit from a Gauph Key or if you can utilize the DMG Cap option from its Ultima Key. Also called "pool.". Stamina - The weapon skill that boosts ATK based on how high current HP is. Clarion is a farmable gun mainhand and therefore automatically useful for mechanic setups, however, 4* Bonito’s call effect makes mechanic subpar compared to classes that can perform two CAs in a turn (Kengo/Chrysaor/Rising Force). Flip (Chest) - Sometimes a gold chest does a flip as it pops up and plays a special sound, signifying a rare drop. Soft Cap - A maximum attainable value before diminishing returns are applied. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Ygg / Yggy / Yugu - Shorthand for Yggdrasil. Used both to refer to the size of the gauge, as well as current progress in the gauge. See ぐらぶるっ! (Grand Blues! In the case of weapons and summons, they usually gain extra benefits at maximum limit break status. "Premium Gala" in English. Various skills can halt the accumulation or even remove diamonds from the Charge Gauge during battle. Make sure you know what you’re getting into before your spend all your mats on a 5-star CCW! It is a good choice to slot into your grid instead of a Dagger, as trading Big ATK for Med ATK to gain Med Crit and Small Enmity should generally be worth it.– Ancient Auberons can be used to increase your HP while not losing as much damage if you were to use something like Leviathan Bow Omega. These are spent on Extended Mastery Skills and Extended Mastery bonuses. Basic M1 Water Grid; a minimum of one more Omega/Magna weapon should be added to complete the base grid, either another Leviathan Gaze Omega or the Staff of Renunciation. This weapon should not be used without Elemental Advantage as it only provides 10-12% Normal ATK/HP from its Majesty skill which can be easily surpassed with other weapons. Named to parallel Enmity, as its Japanese name is colloquially translated to Backwater. Single sided grid with AES and Opus as only Hp weapon is able to reach 29k HP, and when double sided it reaches 34k, without plus marks. Flashfes(t) - short for "Flash Festival," a promotion where Premium Draw SSR rates are double and include special limited characters. While in Overdrive, most enemies change their behavior for using charge attacks. Replacing Leviathan Gaze Omega with Tryos Zither is a small damage loss on basic attacks, but the increased CA damage should more than make up for it. Primal Summon - An unofficial term used to refer to the Optimus Series summons: Agni, Varuna, Titan, Zephyrus, Zeus, and Hades. Wanpan - Meaning "One-Punch", the player attacks and leaves. "Flash Gala" in English. Known as "EP" in English. Usually used to refer Rosetta or Rose Queen (Raid). The Strife Key (20% DA/TA for characters sharing a weapon proficiency with the Atma/Ultima) is normally the default choice, but for compositions focused on 1T Charge Attack setups, Strength (13% Normal Stamina) may be a better option.– If your team’s races fit into one of the Bahamut Weapon’s restrictions, a Bahamut Weapon is a good choice, providing up to 32% Normal ATK and 18% Normal HP modifiers at the Coda stage. Japanese ("Clarity" in English). When the gauge is filled, the enemy will perform a Charge Attack and the gauge will empty. If you find yourself using a lot of damaging skills you may want to consider these instead of, or in addition to, Xeno(s).– Hollowsky Weapons provide a way to exceed the Damage Cap via Supplemental Damage in addition to a base 20% EX/Unknown mod and another effect, but the effects only apply to characters of certain weapon proficiencies (see Hollowsky Weapon section).– Any other EX/Unknowns (such as ones from Story/Side Story Events) are fine as temporary filler, though you’ll likely only want to use a maximum of one sub-optimal EX/Unknown Weapons as they are probably not strong enough to warrant two grid slots. Its Charge Attack provides a party-wide 1500 HP refresh (if 4*) for three turns as well as a 1-hit mirror image. The Seraphic Weapon is essentially an auto-include while fighting with Elemental Advantage. Whale Tears - A slang term that refers to Cerulean Stones. Can also refer to Paradise Lost, a special attack associated with Lucifer, particularly in the context of Dark Rapture's Eleventh LaborRemoves 2 buffs from all allies every turn (Can only be removed by triggering the special attack Paradise Lost). FLB - Abbreviation for Final Limit Break. If you need something else to fill the grid, using a sixth Omega/Magna Weapon is an option, especially if you are trying to fit in two Tryos Sceptre for staff compositions.– Leviathan Gaze Omega and Winter’s Frostnettle are purely for filler if you do not yet have enough Zithers or have no other filler to use.– Ancient Auberons can be used to increase your HP while not losing as much damage if you were to use something like Leviathan Bow Omega.