Simple And Powerful Moderation Bot FOR DISCORD. Click here for a full command list. The best music bot for Discord. Prefix:-Server Count . Blazing fast response . Roleplay. A Rust themed fighting and looting bot for Discord. 2. Commands. Tags. Categories Music & Filter; Fun; Anime; NSFW; Utility; Image; ChatBot; Commands List Karma has a lot of features, with 8 main categories: See information clearly about a user in your guild, e.g … Description. They're quite simple, and the code has no errors. It also has a dashboard to make the config easier. Want to turn a counter off? Players can play their cards in their auto-created uno channels. Blackmarket. Based on 130 reviews. Giveaways; Memes and Gifs pulled from Reddit and Giphy! Join Plasma's discord server Report Add Plasma Upvote Plasma. Try out Eli Bot and replace most of them! Jamie Bowen Jamie Bowen. InviteLogger is and will remain stable. PLASMA chicken. Not Helpful 11 Helpful 17. This will take you to the Poll Bot site, which hosts a Discord bot that can run polls within Discord. You must have at least 2 players to start a game, bots do not count. Yes No. !pause invoked and song pause and the pause confirmationn message is displayed. We’re here to help you grow & manage your Discord community. If you're looking to simply clear a channel and you're sure its ID or webhooks aren't needed, you can create a new one with the same properties, appearing identical. u!startgame (game settings) Note. Backup Interval. … Karma Bot is a open source Discord bot coded in JavaScript with Discord.js by DeltaCoderr. Backups are bind to your account and can be loaded on any server where you have administrator permissions. Joins a channel if not already in one. Managing 3,197,522 members on 14,334 guilds who ran 506,319 commands! That all and more. !resume invoked and the resume confirmation message is displayed. Role Management. I think Poll Bot has a command to end the poll. If you are still experiencing a problem, please join the Support Server and create a new ticket. Pancake Pancake is a high quality, multipurpose bot for your Discord server. 29,448 votes in February. asked Mar 1 '19 at 19:42. Features. Home ... Only one command is needed for the setup of this bot, m!setup. Customizable. Your users and your staff will love it! The support server for the Discord Bot, Plasma! Loading... Login using discord. @Shreyas007 – Jannik Schmidtke Dec 25 '20 at 20:17 YAGPDB - Yet Another General Purpose Discord Bot. DISCORD BOT COMMANDS. You also can't bulk delete messages older than 2 weeks. In fact, you can use bots, like MEE6 Bot or Rythm Bot to manage your Discord server better and create streamlined processes for both existing and new members. Ask a Question. 45 1 1 silver badge 7 7 bronze badges. About YAGPDB . Other. In stead of using 5, 10 or 15+ different bots in your server. Yet Another General Purpose Discord Bot. Carl-bot Dashboard Carl-bot is a fully customizable and modular discord bot featuring reaction roles, automod, logging, custom commands suggestions, music, high uptime, autoroles, embeds, starboard, autofeeds, repeating messages, reminders, triggers and more! Command Usage Example Requires auth; Summon!summon: Forces the bot to join or move to a channel. A Rust themed fighting and looting bot for Discord. You may have noticed a few issues previously with the bot but most of these should be fixed because our Community Manager M.J. has re-done the entirety of the code. u!startgame: Start a game of Uno. buy - Purchase items and games with currency. PlasmaBot is an Open Source Moderation and MusicBot for Discord! – Random Davis Mar 1 '19 at 19:49 @RandomDavis No. Information/Stats. Invite Management; Message Management; MessageTop ; see who the most active people are in your guild! And if you use bot instead of client, simply rename client from @Shifu's code into bot. DISBOARD is the public Discord server listing community. However, do keep in mind what @PLASMA chicken pointed out: The limit of 100 is set with reasons. Play with those mentioned in the message. Create automatic announcements for unique events in your server! Start Holding Giveaways!! I AM TRYING TO MAKE A PROJECT WHERE PEOPLE CAN MAKE DISCORD.PY BOTS WITH 0% KNOWLEDGE OF PYTHON OR DISCORD.PY! Plasma is a multipurpose bot, giving you enterprise invite management and giveaway creation! ... For reactions, you can just delete the message. I am coding a music bot in Discord JS v12 and am currently working on the !pause and !resume commands. It comes with pre-built filters that are managed by our staff, to keep it up to date, and accurate. Some banned users are trying to join to your server with proxies? Free Loot. Come here if you need help with the bot, or just want to talk to our community. Well, it does a bunch of stuff right now, the best way to figure out what it does is to try it out by adding it onto a testing server and see what it provides for yourself. Simple to use but still fantastic! Proxy/VPN Blocker. Add the new InviteLogger to your server! the real tons of commands has been overhauled. User Reviews 4.1 /5. Finally, please run the command .ranks , and make sure the invite ranks are properly listed. Hold giveaways on your Discord server quickly and easily! Info. Xenon Bot Discord Backups, Templates and More Premium Invite. Items Enemy Spawns. 130 reviews. Their new “slash commands” gives … If You Need Any Help, Please Feel Free To DM Me: TOG6#6666 It Would Greatly Support Me If You Joined The Coolest Discord Server Ever: Moderation. Dashboard Coming Soon! !ghelp - shows the available commands!gcreate - creates a giveaway (interactive setup)!gstart