Our filtering technology ensures that only latest pokemon blaze black 2 egglocke files are listed. Moltres, Level 50 Victory Road, Outside Rocky Grass, 1%. Arceus, Level 80 Challenger’s Cave, B2F Cave, Normal, 1%. Suicune, Level 50 Dragonspiral Tower, Outside, Spring, Summer & Autumn Surf, Special, 1%. Mime (5%), Sudowoodo (5%), Plusle (5%), Minun (5%) Grass, Special: Chansey (80%), Emolga (10%), Leavanny (5%), Unfezant (5%) Surf, Normal: Seel (60%), Spheal (30%), Chinchou (10%) Surf, Special: Dewgong (60%), Sealeo (30%), Lanturn (10%) Fish, Normal: Seel (60%), Spheal (30%), Chinchou (10%) Fish, Special: Dewgong (60%), Sealeo (30%), Lanturn (10%) ================================================================== Chargestone Cave, 1F Cave, Normal: Joltik (20%), Klink (20%), Elekid (10%), Magnemite (10%), Voltorb (10%), Ferroseed (10%), Nosepass (10%), Lairon (10%) Cave, Special: Drilbur (50%), Diglett (50%), B1F Cave, Normal: Joltik (20%), Klink (20%), Mawile (10%), Sableye (10%), Tynamo (10%), Durant (10%), Nosepass (10%), Deino (10%) Cave, Special: Drilbur (50%), Diglett (50%), B2F Cave, Normal: Galvantula (20%), Klang (20%), Electabuzz (10%), Magneton (10%), Electrode (10%), Ferrothorn (10%), Durant (5%), Eelektrik (5%), Porygon (5%), Rotom (4%) Cave, Special: Excadrill (50%), Dugtrio (50%), Zapdos, Level 50 Chargestone Cave, B2F. The usual rules with the hacks apply; the main feature is that all 649 Pokémon are available for capture somewhere in the game, and the trainers have all had their rosters … A run in with this small legendary is unlikely, but not impossible. League Path Grass, Normal: Linoone (20%), Bibarel (20%), Skiploom (10%), Arbok (10%), Sandslash (10%), Dodrio (10%), Zangoose (10%), Seviper (10%) Grass, Doubles: Scyther (20%), Pinsir (20%), Cherrim (10%), Fearow (10%), Herdier (10%), Rapidash (10%), Tropius (10%), Girafarig (10%) Grass, Special: Chansey (90%), Blissey (10%). If you are using a flashcard such as an R4 or an Acekard, then it is likely to be readily available; you will just need to utilize your .sav file. Regirock, Level 50 Relic Castle, B5F Sand, 1% * The Relic Castle is a place with many ancient secrets sleeping beneath its depths. Well, it is, but regardless it needs to keep an eye on Kyogre and Groudon. ================================================================== Route 12, Grass, Normal: Cherrim (20%), Combee (20%), Sunkern (10%), Pinsir (10%), Heracross (10%), Scyther (10%), Rapidash (10%), Zebstrika (10%) Grass, Doubles: Tranquill (40%), Butterfree (10%), Beedrill (10%), Beautifly (10%), Dustox (10%), Swadloon (10%), Whirlipede (10%) Grass, Special: Emolga (95%), Sunflora (5%), Vespiquen (5%) ================================================================== Route 13, Grass, Normal: Absol (20%), Drifblim (20%), Swellow (10%), Lunatone (10%), Solrock (10%), Wormadam (10%), Mothim (10%), Pelipper (10%) Grass, Doubles: Golbat (20%), Tangela (20%), Nidorino (10%), Nidorina (10%), Yanma (10%), Gloom (10%), Weepinbell (10%), Skiploom (10%) Grass, Special: Audino (80%), Tangrowth (5%), Crobat (5%), Nidoking (5%), Nidoqueen (5%) Surf, Normal: Pelipper (60%), Corsola (40%) Surf, Special: Tentacruel (60%), Starmie (30%), Kingdra (10%) Fish, Normal: Shellder (65%), Krabby (30%), Luvdisc (5%) Fish, Special: Shellder (60%), Luvdisc (30%), Kingler (5%), Cloyster (5%), Lugia, Level 70 Route 13 Surf, Special, 1% * The sea is vast, and allows Lugia to spy on the humans it so dearly tries to protect. Registeel, Level 50 Relic Castle, B5F Sand, 1% * The ancient, sandy area is also enjoyed by the tough Registeel, but despite its size, it’s still rare to make contact with it. Namely, Blaze Black will find Zekrom, Thundurus and the pink Shellos/Gastrodon wild, as well as Red Basculin only. ================================================================== Route 15, Grass, Normal: Throh (20%), Sawk (20%), Tyrogue (10%), Graveler (10%), Gabite (10%), Pupitar (10%), Kangaskhan (10%), Marowak (10%) Grass, Doubles: Machoke (20%), Gurdurr (20%), Pupitar (10%), Gligar (10%), Kangaskhan (10%), Donphan (10%), Ursaring (10%), Marowak (10%) Grass, Special: Audino (70%), Emolga (10%), Tyranitar (5%), Gliscor (5%), Machamp (5%), Conkeldurr (5%), Groudon, Level 70 Route 15 Grass, Doubles, 1% * With the lack of volcanoes in Unova there isn’t much for Groudon to enjoy, but the mountainous terrain of Route 15 gives it at least some solace. ================================================================== Route 17, Surf, Normal: Wailmer (60%), Corsola (30%), Mantyke (10%) Surf, Special: Wailord (60%), Corsola (30%), Mantine (10%) Fish, Normal: Luvdisc (100%) Fish, Special: Alomomola (60%), Corsola (40%). * The dark, mid-depths of the Challenger’s Cave are also of intrigue to Darkrai, who loves the darkness and occasionally likes to taunt the people of Icirrus City and Opelucid City with nightmares. Musharna, Level 70 Dreamyard Basement ================================================================== Route 3, Grass, Normal: Mareep (20%), Taillow (20%), Shellos (10%), Sunkern (10%), Lotad (10%), Seedot (10%), Shinx (10%), Abra (5%), Phanpy (5%) Grass, Doubles: Blitzle (20%), Pidove (20%), Growlithe (10%), Vulpix (10%), Hoppip (10%), Budew (10%), Marill (5%), Houndour (5%), Volbeat (4%), Illumise (4%), Lombre (1%), Nuzleaf (1%) Grass, Special: Audino (70%), Oshawott (10%), Squirtle (5%), Totodile (5%), Mudkip (5%), Piplup (5%) Surf, Normal: Slowpoke (60%), Psyduck (30%), Marill (10%) Surf, Special: Golduck (60%), Azumarill (30%), Slowbro (5%), Slowking (5%) Fish, Normal: Poliwag (60%), Slowpoke (30%), Chinchou (5%), Remoraid (5%) Fish, Special: Chinchou (60%), Qwilfish (30%), Remoraid (10%) ================================================================== Wellspring Cave 1F, 1F Cave, Normal: Woobat (20%), Zubat (20%), Geodude (10%), Roggenrola (10%), Aron (10%), Whismur (10%), Wooper (5%), Bronzor (5%), Axew (5%), Teddiursa (5%) Cave, Special: Drilbur (40%), Diglett (40%), Gible (20%) Surf, Normal: Wooper (60%), Shellos (40%) Surf, Special: Quagsire (60%), Gastrodon (40%) Fish, Normal: Barboach (60%), Tentacool (30%), Shellder (10%) Fish, Special: Shellder (100%), B1F Cave, Normal: Woobat (20%), Golbat (20%), Graveler (10%), Boldore (10%), Lairon (10%), Steelix (10%), Loudred (10%), Quagsire (10%) Cave, Special: Excadrill (50%), Dugtrio (50%) Surf, Normal: Whiscash (60%), Gastrodon (40%) Surf, Special: Whiscash (60%), Gastrodon (40%) Fish, Normal: Whiscash (100%) Fish, Special: Cloyster (100%) ================================================================== Pinwheel Forest, Outside Grass, Normal: Tympole (20%), Timburr (20%), Meditite (10%), Spinarak (10%), Ledyba (10%), Machop (10%), Makuhita (10%), Croagunk (5%), Slakoth (5%) Grass, Doubles: Throh (20%), Sawk (20%), Dunsparce (10%), Doduo (10%), Snubbull (10%), Aipom (10%), Cubone (9%), Burmy (9%), Heracross (2%) Grass, Special: Audino (50%), Tepig (10%), Tyrogue (10%), Riolu (10%), Charmander (5%), Cyndaquil (5%), Torchic (5%), Chimchar (5%), Inside Grass, Normal: Cottonee (20%), Petilil (20%), Sewaddle (10%), Venipede (10%), Oddish (10%), Bellsprout (10%), Shroomish (5%), Exeggcute (5%), Murkrow (5%), Misdreavus (5%) Grass, Doubles: Tangela (20%), Roselia (20%), Swadloon (10%), Whirlipede (10%), Gloom (10%), Weepinbell (10%), Carnivine (5%), Scyther (5%), Pinsir (5%), Vigoroth (5%) Grass, Special: Audino (40%), Snivy (10%), Pansage (10%), Panpour (10%), Pansear (10%), Bulbasaur (5%), Chikorita (5%), Treecko (5%), Turtwig (5%) Surf, Normal: Surskit (100%) Surf, Special: Masquerain (100%) Fish, Normal: Psyduck (60%), Poliwag (40%) Fish, Special: Poliwhirl (95%), Politoed (5%), Virizion. It won’t be pretty. Due to lesser popularity with TPP, Gen 5.5 has less viewers than previous generations. ================================================================== Driftveil Drawbidge, Bridge, Special: Ducklett (20%), Wingull (20%), Swablu (20%), Spearow (20%), Hoppip (20%) ================================================================== Driftveil City, Surf, Normal: Frillish (60%), Tentacool (30%), Staryu (10%) Surf, Special: Staryu (60%), Tentacruel (30%), Lapras (10%) Fish, Normal: Horsea (60%), Wailmer (30%), Mantyke (10%) Fish, Special: Wailmer (60%), Seadra (30%), Mantyke (10%) ================================================================== Cold Storage, Grass, Normal: Vanillite (20%), Herdier (20%), Snorunt (10%), Swinub (10%), Cubchoo (10%), Buizel (10%), Mienfoo (10%), Taillow (10%) Grass, Doubles: Vanillish (20%), Herdier (20%), Swellow (10%), Floatzel (10%), Sneasel (10%), Delibird (10%), Smoochum (10%), Piloswine (10%) Grass, Special: Audino (90%), Mienshao (10%) ================================================================== Route 6 – Spring / Summer / Autumn, Grass, Normal: Cherubi (20%), Deerling (20%), Stantler (10%), Foongus (10%), Pidgeotto (10%), Natu (10%), Mime Jr. (5%), Bonsly (5%), Plusle (5%), Minun (5%) Grass, Doubles: Cherrim (20%), Sawsbuck (20%), Stantler (10%), Foongus (10%), Pidgeotto (10%), Xatu (10%), Mr. Genesect, Level 75 Challenger’s Cave, 1F Cave, Normal, 1%. It is the most seen ability out if the 3 base starter abilities in the anime, with 4 Pokémon from 3 evolutionary line using it. Fiasom Nov 27, 2020. Once installed, you will also need the .pgf file for the Liberty Ticket event. Try your luck in a harsh Winter at the depths of the area, and you might just have a chance at finding it. Challenger’s Cave is a lot like Cerulean’s Cave, but a certain Pokémon God stopped him getting into the real bottom floor. Hey! Unless otherwise stated, fishing encounters have not been edited. Manaphy, Level 30 Route 17 Surf, Special, 1% * Manaphy likes the colder seas of the Unova region, so its presence in the vast waters of Route 17 is not surprising. If so, please lmk. You might run into him if you storm the same room. ================================================================== Relic Castle, 1F Sand: Sandile (20%), Sandshrew (20%), Rhyhorn (10%), Numel (10%), Golett (10%), Bronzor (10%), Onix (10%), Trapinch (10%), B1F Sand: Yamask (20%), Gastly (20%), Shuppet (10%), Duskull (10%), Bronzor (10%), Elgyem (10%), Litwick (10%), Beldum (4%), Larvitar (4%), Larvesta (2%), B2F, B3F, B4F, B5F Sand: Krokorok (20%), Cofagrigus (20%), Vibrava (10%), Hippowdon (10%), Sandslash (10%), Claydol (10%), Sigilyph (5%), Crustle (5%), Darmanitan (5%), Camerupt (5%), B6F, Maze Sand: Krokorok (20%), Cofagrigus (20%), Vibrava (10%), Hippowdon (10%), Sandslash (10%), Claydol (10%), Sigilyph (5%), Crustle (5%), Darmanitan (5%), Camerupt (5%). So i downloaded blaze black ages ago, but deleted the documentation :< I tried getting the documentation again from the poke community page, but each link to it was a "404 this page doesn't exist anymore" and was wondering if anyone had it on hand? Mewtwo, Level 75 Challenger’s Cave, B1F Cave, Normal, 1%. Pokemon Blaze Black & Volt White Level Up Move Changes. Entei, Level 50 Route 9 Grass, Special, 1%. Pokemon Blaze Black & Volt White Level Up Move Changes Level 70 Relic Castle, Volcarona Room Floor, 1% * It’s of little surprise that the king would appear in the same area as the majority of his subjects. It has no survey or password. Pokemon Blaze Black & Volt White Item & Trade Changes. It is currently impossible to give the ticket in-game and have it work fully. Give you walkthrough, cheat codes for Pokemon Game! Though he intends to see the Celestial Tower, the Giant Chasm is an ideal place for rest. Mime (5%), Sudowoodo (5%), Plusle (5%), Minun (5%) Grass, Special: Chansey (80%), Emolga (10%), Leavanny (5%), Unfezant (5%) Surf, Normal: Finneon (60%), Goldeen (30%), Chinchou (10%) Surf, Special: Lumineon (60%), Lanturn (30%), Seaking (10%) Fish, Normal: Finneon (60%), Chinchou (40%) Fish, Special: Lumineon (60%), Lanturn (40%), Route 6 – Winter Grass, Normal: Snover (20%), Deerling (20%), Stantler (10%), Foongus (10%), Pidgeotto (10%), Natu (10%), Mime Jr. (5%), Bonsly (5%), Plusle (5%), Minun (5%) Grass, Doubles: Snover (20%), Sawsbuck (20%), Stantler (10%), Foongus (10%), Pidgeotto (10%), Xatu (10%), Mr. Get ready we have something coming that is going to blow you away. Wild Pokémon Recall that no shaking grass will appear until after the first badge has been obtained! Should you be lucky to come in contact with it, don’t underestimate its power. No$gba users can simply slot their .sav in the BATTERY folder and it should convert back to the no$ format automatically when the ROM is booted. * The Moor of Icirrus is a special place for Keldeo, and in the Autumn you may see this unicorn galloping past. People still play Pokemon Black today and that means that they can benefit from using our Pokemon Black cheats guide. ⦁ Arm Thrust is now 25 power. Pokémon Blaze Black 2 | Pokémon Volt White 2 Base Game: Pokémon Black 2 | Pokémon White 2 Current Version: 1.1 Last Updated: 11th November, 2012 Summary Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2 are essentially the sequels to my Black & White hacks known as Blaze Black and Volt … Pokémon Blaze Black & Pokémon Volt White. Pokemon Blazed Glazed is an improved version of Pokemon Glazed with some noticeable difference. Latias, Level 60 Route 10, League Path Grass, Doubles, 1% * The Lati twins have always loved challenging destined League champions, and in Unova this is no exception. Palkia, Level 70 Giant Chasm, Inside Cave (not Kyurem bit) Cave, Normal, 1% * Equally, the distortions in space mean Palkia has taken residence in this unknown area of the world. B1F Cave, Normal: Mawile (20%), Sableye (20%), Magneton (10%), Golbat (10%), Wobbuffet (10%), Parasect (10%), Marowak (10%), Electrode (10%) Cave, Special: Excadrill (50%), Dugtrio (50%). ================================================================== N’s Castle, LEGENDARY ENCOUNTER / Reshiram (Blaze Black) | Zekrom (Volt White) Level 70 N’s Castle ================================================================== Route 11, Grass, Normal: Golduck (20%), Bisharp (20%), Mandibuzz (10%), Braviary (10%), Gligar (10%), Marowak (10%), Purugly (10%), Skuntank (10%) Grass, Doubles: Loudred (20%), Staravia (20%), Vigoroth (10%), Electabuzz (10%), Magmar (10%), Flygon (10%), Rhydon (10%), Boldore (10%) Grass, Special: Audino (70%), Emolga (10%), Electivire (5%), Magmortar (5%), Gliscor (5%), Staraptor (5%) Surf, Normal: Buizel (60%), Floatzel (40%) Surf, Special: Dratini (60%), Dragonair (35%), Dragonite (5%) Fish, Normal: Goldeen (70%), Basculin (30%) Fish, Special: Goldeen (60%), Basculin (30%), Seaking (10%) ================================================================== Village Bridge, Grass, Normal: Exeggcute (20%), Bibarel (20%), Zangoose (10%), Seviper (10%), Volbeat (10%), Illumise (10%), Farfetch’d (10%), Chatot (10%) Grass, Doubles: Flaaffy (20%), Kadabra (20%), Lombre (20%), Nuzleaf (20%), Roselia (10%), Togepi (10%) Grass, Special: Chansey (75%), Emolga (10%), Togetic (5%), Exeggutor (5%), Roserade (5%) Surf, Normal: Tentacruel (60%), Sharpedo (40%) Surf, Special: Sharpedo (60%), Jellicent (40%) Fish, Normal: Carvanha (70%), Basculin (30%) Fish, Special: Carvanha (60%), Basculin (30%), Sharpedo (10%). Overall, I would say that Pokémon Blaze Black 2 is a much more challenging experience than the standard Pokémon Black 2. Regigigas. If you can catch it, you’ll have a chance at adding him to your team. If it does please tell me in the comments. Pokemon Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. → Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2 are essentially the sequels to my Black & White hacks known as Blaze Black and Volt White. * Suicune loves bouncing around the seas, not just the Johto region. Their rules are mostly the same as Spirit Gold, as scripting to Sacred Gold & Storm Silver level is difficult currently due to the lack of scripting tool (at least as I write this). Download pokemon blaze black 2 egglocke free shared files from DownloadJoy and other world's most popular shared hosts. But you don’t need to hear about that. ================================================================== Route 14, Grass, Normal: Gothorita (20%), Duosion (20%), Kirlia (10%), Lombre (10%), Shuckle (10%), Luxio (10%), Carnivine (10%), Skiploom (10%) Grass, Doubles: Altaria (20%), Mienshao (20%), Beheeyem (10%), Grumpig (10%), Drifblim (10%), Breloom (10%), Tropius (10%), Galvantula (10%) Grass, Special: Chansey (75%), Blissey (25%) Surf, Normal: Seaking (60%), Lumineon (40%) Surf, Special: Politoed (60%), Milotic (40%) Fish, Normal: Goldeen (70%), Basculin (30%) Fish, Special: Goldeen (60%), Basculin (30%), Seaking (10%) ================================================================== Abundant Shrine, Grass, Normal: Chimecho (20%), Vulpix (20%), Growlithe (10%), Cottonee (10%), Petilil (10%), Bronzor (10%), Murkrow (10%), Misdreavus (10%) Grass, Doubles: Eevee (20%), Bronzong (20%), Girafarig (10%), Stantler (10%), Hypno (10%), Mightyena (10%), Mr. The opposites of each legendary are catchable as per usual in their regular places. The peaks of Victory Road make for a great perch. It's easy! ================================================================== Route 9, Grass, Normal: Gothorita (20%), Duosion (20%), Kirlia (10%), Minccino (10%), Pawniard (10%), Skitty (10%), Liepard (10%), Persian (10%) Grass, Doubles: Flaaffy (20%), Luxio (20%), Hypno (10%), Cinccino (10%), Bisharp (10%), Garbodor (10%), Houndoom (10%), Granbull (10%) Grass, Special: Audino (90%), Gothitelle (5%), Reuniclus (5%). Landorus, Level 75 Abundant Shrine ================================================================== Black City / White Forest, Trainers in Black City have edited rosters. Isn’t that dandy? There have been many changes made to the overall gameplay such as the evolutions, attack damage and so on. Still, the dark and damp is enough to make it feel like home. Pokemon Blaze Black & Volt White Trainer Rosters. This also came with the download, but if you are missing it then you can get it from here. The arrival of Team Plasma has made two particular members of a trio wake up… but you’ll be lucky to bump into them. October 19, 2018 by Pokemoner.com. This time we're going to tackle Blaze Black one … At it's lowest, the viewer count is around 200; at its highest, 800+. The deepest, most valuable room in the castle houses this beast. We want to set a level cap, but I couldn't find any … You can interrupt her mourning and put her in a ball. In addition, BB/VW also have edited trainers, an increased difficulty level, improvements to many Pokémon and more. Latios, Level 60 Route 10, League Path Grass, Doubles, 1% * Anywhere where Latias goes, Latios does too. The rest is simple; load up your .sav with the Pokémon Mystery Gift Editor (you don’t even need to take it off the storage device if you’re using a flashcard!) White Forest has no changes to Wild Pokemon whatsoever. The usual rules with my hacks apply; the main feature is that all 649 Pokémon are available for capture somewhere in the game, and the trainers have all had their … The threats below keep it from descending, but this insect might just drop on your head. Drayano, Apr 2, 2011, in forum: NDS - ROM Hacking and Translations. Celebi, Level 30 Lostlorn Forest Doubles Grass, 1%. In the game, Riolu evolves at level 25 instead of by friendship. Pokémon Blaze Black 2 | Pokémon Volt White 2 Base Game: Pokémon Black 2 | Pokémon White 2 Current Version: 1.1 Last Updated: 11th November, 2012 Summary Poké aninymouse. General Attack Changes ⦁ Pin Missile is now 25 power. Finally, no$gba users will have to use the savegames converter to change the .sav in their BATTERY folder into a regular .sav. You might be able to find it, if you’re lucky…, Kyurem, Level 75 Giant Chasm, Rear Cave ================================================================== Undella Town, Surf, Normal: Luvdisc (60%), Corsola (40%) Surf, Special: Alomomola (100%) Fish, Normal: Remoraid (65%), Shellder (30%), Luvdisc (5%) Fish, Special: Shellder (60%), Luvdisc (30%), Octillery (5%), Cloyster (5%) ================================================================== Undella Bay, All Seasons Surf, Normal: Mantyke (60%), Wailmer (40%) Surf, Special: Mantine (60%), Wailord (40%) Fish, Normal: Remoraid (65%), Shellder (30%), Luvdisc (5%) Fish, Special: Shellder (60%), Luvdisc (30%), Octillery (5%), Cloyster (5%), Kyogre, Level 70 Undella Bay, Summer Surf, Special, 1% * The vast waters of the Undella Bay are perfect for Kyogre, who awakens only once in the four-season period. It has gained more strength, but is still weaker than its fully grown counterpart. Description: Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2 are essentially the sequels to my Black & White hacks known as Blaze Black and Volt White. Leave a LIKE if you believe!Download this game! Pokemon Blaze Black 2 is one of the major hacks of Pokemon Black and White Versions. Giratina, Level 70 Giant Chasm, Inside Plains Grass, Doubles, 1% * Giratina, the third dragon of Sinnoh, also makes an appearance. Thank you and enjoy. October 21, 2012. Articuno, Level 50 Dragonspiral Tower, Outside, Winter Doubles Grass, 1%. * With stories of the Giant Chasm formed from a meteor, it’s not unlikely to imagine that Deoxys has made a settlement somewhere near. You will need your .sav file. In addition, BB/VW also have edited trainers, an increased difficulty level, improvements to many Pokémon and more. Can't wait to try it out! The usual rules with my hacks apply; the main feature is that all 649 Pokémon are available for capture somewhere in the game, and the trainers have all had their rosters … Pokemon Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2 – Pokemon Changes January 6, 2020 January 6, 2020 by Pokemoner.com A rather common feature of any of my hacks/mods/etc is the changing to a lot of Pokémon. You get enough evolution stones during the course of the game for everybody, so don’t fret. ================================================================== Icirrus City, Route 8, Puddle, Normal: Palpitoad (20%), Stunfisk (20%), Croagunk (10%), Gulpin (10%), Koffing (10%), Grimer (10%), Gastrodon-E (5%), Quagsire (5%), Toxicroak (4%), Swalot (4%), Weezing (1%), Muk (1%) Surf, Normal: Stunfisk (60%), Barboach (40%) Surf, Special: Whiscash (60%), Seismitoad (40%) Fish, Normal: Barboach (70%), Stunfisk (30%) Fish, Special: Barboach (60%), Stunfisk (30%), Whiscash (10%) ================================================================== Moor of Icirrus, Puddle, Normal: Quagsire (20%), Stunfisk (20%), Gastrodon-E (10%), Toxicroak (10%), Swalot (10%), Weezing (10%), Muk (10%), Palpitoad (10%) Surf, Normal: Stunfisk (60%), Barboach (40%) Surf, Special: Whiscash (60%), Seismitoad (40%) Fish, Normal: Barboach (70%), Stunfisk (30%) Fish, Special: Barboach (60%), Stunfisk (30%), Whiscash (10%), Keldeo, Level 56 Moor of Iccirus, Autumn Puddle, Normal, 1%.