not be wise to underestimate you by getting close. This is my escape route! DIO: Oh ho! DIO: I ASKED IF YOU COULD SEE ME, JOTARO! DIO: Shoot the man lying down on the ground over there. Will Jotaro overcome the greatest challenge he’s faced in his life, or will Dio … DIO: It's over. One of the window shards cuts DIO's leg off.]. The camera shows them already floating up in the sky. to strike is the best chance i have right now. DIO [weakly]: my head's been I can't get up...? Jotaro: Gramps and DIO are on the rooftops. MUDA! DIO: I must end him beyond a shadow of a doubt! * i tutaj skacza do siebie (jotaro i dio w formie potenznego geja wampira), DIO I JOTARO: ORA ORA OROARORAOROAOMODUDMADUADMADUADMAUDADMADUASDMAUDADCHUJ. ], [Everything is grayscaled except for Jotaro and DIO. MUDA! MUDA! BEHAVE LIKE A FLIGHT ATTENDANT. [The camera shows him on top of a building.]. DIO: I, DIO, have surpassed all forms of life and Stands! Jotaro: Throwing all those my valuable uniform is full of holes. DIO: Your eyes followed me in the world of stopped time.. But even if you stop time, I'm still going to blow your, JOTARO: Finally.. [Jotaro is shown inside the sewer pointing at DIO, apparently having stopped time himself to do that.]. [Jotaro is surrounded by exactly more than 60 knives. MUDA! Jotaro [his mind]: the hell does he come up with stuff like this!? DIO: This is the end....JOTARO!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can't escape. JOTARO: This place is taken. Jotaro is appropriately shocked by the vampire's laughter. You stopped time? DIO: his heart isn't breathing. DIO: Only Kakyoin and Joseph are before me. Instead of running away, you come right to me? But.. JOTARO: It was only enough to get one punch in. 1 Summary 2 Appearances 3 Chapters 4 Volumes 5 Episodes 5.1 Anime 5.2 OVA 6 Site Navigation Jotaro encounters Nukesaku, who is a Vampire, … Hassle in the Castle (Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! [Jotaro is now looking at DIO, who is standing on top of a speed limit sign.]. I have to do something! Jotaro: I feel bad kicking a guy when he's down, but...nah. I can't believe he's dead yet. JOTARO: But for you, i feel no pity at all. ], [DIO notices too late, as the rapier pierces his brain's left hemisphere.]. *, *dio's head- That is all i need to feel satisfaction!*. ], [The World throws the knives at Jotaro, as they freeze centimeters away from stabbing him. [He throws the bucket away and turns on a lighter to lit DIO ablaze.]. DIO: YOU HAVE LOST THE BATTLE OF WITS AGAINST ME, DIO!! [He swings, but stops after hearing Jotaro's right hand twitch. Jotaro [his mind]: This is when things get really dangerous. JOTARO: Yare yare daze.. Enya was a spectator, while Nukesaku is the one who will fire the boomstick. Jotaro: I could move for a moment...just a moment! DIO: Just in case, I'll lop off his head so that I can truly rest at ease. I shall see just how powerful you truly are! But to trick me into thinking, *jotaro punches him wery hart i rozbija sie dio o witryne sklepowa*. DIO: Nine seconds have passed! *jotaro lapie sie za serce przy pomocy star platinum by zatrzymac prace kurwa serce*. They get attracted to each other regardless of the time not flowing.]. It can't be! No matter what Dio does now, you mustn't get angry. DIO: Perhaps I was just imagining that sound i thought i heard coming from Jotaro. [DIO laughs it off...then laughs progressively harder. DIO: This is truly the end for you, JOTARO! I suppose I shall rise to your shilly provocation, and test you just a bit more. DIO: I can't take my eyes off you for a second. DIO: Jotaro! This proves that you really can move only, *czas plynie znowu star platinum odbije noze lecz jotaro i tak dostaje na klate*. Polnareff'q going to get killed. I feel so good, I could break out into song! [DIO's guess puts more pressure on Jotaro.]. DIO: Only I, DIO, should have power over stopped time. If I can get to that place.. JOTARO: He put his ear to the ground to listen for cars coming near. Jotaro: I don't know what you're talking about, DIO. ], [Time unfreezes, and Polnareff is sent flying. [He is slightly irritated by this realization and he gets closer.]. DIO: To be frank, I'm relieved that I could defeat you so quickly, Jotaro. Are you prepared for Star Platinum vs. BRINGING A DRINK AND CAVIAR TO A FIRST-CLASS PASSENGER! MUDA! As long, as he doesn't know for sure, my chance to get close to him will come. ], [He takes it off and places it in one of Jotaro's shirt pins. DIO [his mind]: It was six months ago when I first stopped time. It'll end up like last time. Star Platinum punches a car's fuel tank open, letting it flow.]. Impossible! i have marked in polish things that are happening at a given moment with * mark, so dont react at this. DIO: If you can move the same way as my The World, let me see you moving! Three? ], [He distances himself after seeing it happen again. DIO: Jotaro, you.. You're alive.. or you're coming around. DIO: It's unbelievable to think you would be able to enter my stopped time. Even when i still have an overwhelming adventage. JOTARO: My friends and a lot of innocent bystanders are dead because of you. Playing dead and waiting for a chance. DIO: There's something I'd like for you to shoot with that gun. MUDA! :), actions, most times they think it says "jotaro/dio mozg" he said, and i quote, "I have marked in Polish things that are happening at a given moment with * mark, so dont react at this", New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the StardustCrusaders community, This is the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure subreddit, and while the subreddit is named for Part Three: Stardust Crusaders, it covers all of the manga and various animated series - Our banner was made by u/MayorDoi and our subreddit icon was made by u/Ammu_22, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. *, *dio's head- I, Dio, have no such thoughts. [He moves the scared cop closer to Jotaro.]. [Gears are seen connecting to each other, and then The World appears, with his arms inside the gear holes.]. DIO: Just two more that all you can do? [The World quickly stops time in a bright flash. Jotaro [his mind]: I wanted to play dead as long as possible until I could land a blow to his head, would be easy for me to keep Polnareff's head on his shoulders. ], [He somersaults towards Jotaro's ''corpse''. Jotaro in the meantime weakly gets up, exhausted from playing dead to the extreme.]. The dust eventually reveals DIO draining his corpse's blood.]. But this isn't the end of it. Don't worry about me anymore. jotaro vs dio dialogue script english. DIO: Once time begins to move again, I wonder if even your Star Platinum can manage to deflect so many knives. DIO [his mind]: Of all things, this descendant of the Joestars has invaded my world of stopped time... [Time resumes, and Star Platinum launches DIO into a jewelry shop, shattering the window. [The camera zooms into DIO's shocked expression.]. [He checks the magazines he hid under his chest and hat.]. [He then contemplates the first time he got his stand ability.]. DIO: The magnet wasn't to trick me into thinking he could move... DIO: But to trick me into thinking he couldn't, and lure me closer! But, Jotaro.. You may have come this far, but you are still only human. Meanwhile, Jotaro has picked some buckets shown seconds before. DIO: So, therefore, Jotaro...I've decided how to kill you such that it doesn't matter how long you can move! ], [Awakening Darkness of The World by Yugo Kanno plays. JOTARO: So it's the same type of Stand as Star Platinum. [He forcibly makes him aim his pistol to Jotaro's ''body''. [The camera shows DIO smirking and Jotaro in a Tranquil Fury, staring at each other intensely. JOTARO: I could move for a moment.. Just a moment. ], [DIO attempts to stop time in a bright flash. DIO: Only I, DIO, should have power over stopped time. DIO: Your eyes followed me in the world of stopped time... DIO: So you can see my movements, Jotaro! *, *jotaro drapie ziemie (wiecie o co mi chodzi) *, *dio wyskakuje do tylu i obserwuje jotaro*. Meme Status Submission Type: Exploitable Year 1992 Origin JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders Tags dio, dio brando, jotaro kujo, jojo's bizarre adventure, stardust crusaders, battle in egypt, dio's world, jjba, jojo, headset dio, dio walk, gamer dio, dio walking. Damn it! [Jotaro panics and quietly summons Star Platinum to stop his heart for as long as DIO wants to hear it. He's not breathing. Scroll Down to discover. Star Platinum: OOOOOOOOORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! All the above also have stands, to which they fight the bad guys. DIO [his mind]: That's when it all began... DIO [his mind]: At first, I thought it was an illusion. DIO: I'd better play it safe....the Joestar bloodline has proved itself rather lucky. Enya: You must believe with more conviction that you can move within stopped time! Star Platinum: ORA! [He throws 3 knives at Jotaro, but Star Platinum suddenly appears. DIO: I can still keep it up! DIO: With this, the Joestar bloodline will finally end. DIO: Though it appears a test was hardly necessary. DIO: He might be trying to trick me by playing dead. Instead of running away, you're coming right to me. ], [Joseph's heartbeat is heard. ], [DIO leaps towards Jotaro and summons his stand to grab the knives on his hands. Jojo's Bizarre Adventures, much more than Naruto, much more than One Piece, much more than Death Note and especially Bleach, is a series that owns up to its own name. *jotaro przyśpiesza prace serca przy pomocy star platinum*, *dio bierze zamach by odjebac mu leb ale ten lamie znak*, *jotaro wali mu hita na leb i rozpierdala czache*, JOTARO: I went through hell there.. *dio wykrecone nogi jotaro stoi przed nim*. The Joestar bloodline has proven itself rather lucky. Even though your grandfather, Joseph, told you the secret of The World, like an exam student scrambling to finish the problems on an exam until the last moments before the chime?" I guess I should find Jotaro's lifeless body and drink his blood. Because that hole i put in your gut is closed up now. Jotaro: Yarouâ ¦ DIO! JORARO: If I were a gunslinger in a Western, I'd say.. ,,Draw. So bring it on! Jotaro: He put his ear to the ground to listen to someone coming near... [He pulls out a knife stabbed in his shoulder and throws it at the Taxi with Star Platinum's assistance.]. It was more than the last time. (JoJo JVA) ROAD ROLLER DA!! part three spoilers spoiler. I'm not slowing down.. I-I cannot move. Even Though your grandfather, Joseph, told you the secret of The World, *dead Joseph pics*, like an exam student scrambling to finish the problems on an exam until the last moments. ], [He lands into a building gate. Perfect timing. ], [Star Platinum instantaneously appears and deflects the knives.]. DIO: The way to end you is with The World's true power! DIO: I believe you can only move for a moment now...but since you have invaded my world of stopped time, it wouldn't be wise to underestimate you by getting close. Jotaro: My friends and a lot of innocent bystanders are dead because of you. Jotaro! Are you ready to witness the brutal battle between Jotaro Kujo and Dio? Die, Jotaro! DIO: As I see it, those machines known as vehicles are useful devices, but because everyone has one, the streets become too crowded. di Oktober 28, 2019. ], [Manga Chapter 261 ends, and Episode 47, Stardust Crusaders' penultimate episode, ends. JOTARO: No one could stay calm after seeing that! The camera shows the chase slowing down to a halt. That let me escape. Maybe someday I will have a lot of free time and I will be able to write something like that. DIO: And now, without pause, my final attack! As i see it, those machines known as. ], [DIO is shown placing his ear on the asphalt.]. One hundred years ago, I attained immortality, but i didn't feel as absolutely wonderful, *dio hahahaheheheh xd jak zawsze i napierdalanie palcem w skroni*. I don't feel bad about this at all. DIO: Polnareff must be hiding somewhere... Hah. DIO: What a truly magnificent feeling! He might be trying. I've stopped time for nine seconds! *dio zostaje rozrywany przez moc Star Platinum zaraz po pierdolnięciu w noge*, *ciała dio zostaje rozpierdolone na połowe i jakis zjebany niebieski ogien sie z niego unosi (most probably moc), link to download <3. I'll add one more, just to be sure. And now, I can stop. (Dio stands up, but is hurting) Dio: Ha ha...! [Star Platinum bumps a building to re-direct his master's flight direction.]. Dio: Oh ho! Enya: What's more important is to recognize it as such! Kirimkan Ini lewat Email BlogThis! Jotaro [his mind]: If i die because i used my Stand to stop my own heart... [Jotaro's eyes go completely cataract. DIO: This proves that no one can surpass DIO! HURRY UP AND FETCH IT! But.. JoJo Sono Chi no Kioku ~end of THE WORLD~ by TOMMY, Coda, and JIN plays. DIO: Behave like a flight attendant, bringing a drink and caviar to a first-class passenger! |lektor mozna powiedziec| * However, Jotaro has abandoned thought. DIO: But it appears that stopping time for nine seconds is my current limit. DIO withdraws his head from the rapier and looks behind him. Rather no chance, I don't speak Japanese at all. *, *ciag dalszy mozg- Talk about irony. time for five seconds, and longer and longer intervals each time! Thanks dude! DIO: Two seconds? But i didn't think he'd throw that many knives at me. DIO: Joseph's blood suits me well. For JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "What do Dio and Jotaro say when they end their timefreeze? Within my mind is but one simple thought. *nagle za plecami skacze Lil Pol Pol i przebija Dio głowe*, *Polnareff uderza o sciane na pelnej pizdzie*. Then what about his heartbeat? Most of the knives are seen coming off from Jotaro's body due to the sheer force of Star Platinum's punch. I can't stand!~, *jotaro rozjebuje bak samochodu i nalewa paliwo do wiader*. Jewelry Shop Owner: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!! I guess that's your limit now. Star Platinum: ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA!!! DIO: Could you see me? Only for a moment, but he can move! And so on. *jotaro mozg- What a sick thing to do.. ZA WARUDO is the ultimate Stand.